Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Another one!

Lost another kilo, woo hoo :)

8 so far, 7 more to go...

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I've just finished reading a book called Marley and Me by John Grogan. It was so touching, I laughed and cried throughout the whole thing. Marley is a mischievous Lab with the canine equivalent of ADD, but despite all his antics, his loyalty and love to his family carries them through thick and thin.

Our life since we adopted Luca hasn't been the same. Yes, we could pretend like he doesn't really have an effect on us, but the truth is that he has made a huge impact in our home, our relationship, and our lives. Whilst in the first few months we threatened to take him back to the animal shelter as he continually destroys everything he wasn't meant to, we knew deep down inside that the only way he was going to leave us is when he dies.

It's hard to describe the feeling we get when we come home to find him whining and wagging his whole body, so excited to see us that he lashes himself with his out-of-control tail. Or when he gives us the pleading look and pretends to shiver from the cold, so he can come inside when it's not even that cold. Having a dog is not like owning a goldfish, it's more like having a toddler. Clumsy beings with bursts of excitement that could send them on a high-speed playchase. The way Luca's eyes glaze over when we touch him, it's glaringly unconditional love, it's like we are his whole world. It's so addictive.

I'd heard of a girl who was tormented by her parents and felt like she was a social outcast. She only had one friend, her dog. One day, she took her dog for the usual walk, came home and killed it before killing herself. I always wondered what her rationale was. I mean, some people would say she was crazy, and they might or might not be right. But how could she bring herself to kill the only being that she believes has ever loved her. I wonder if it was to spare the dog for whatever misfortune she imagines it to endure after her passing. Or maybe she can't bear the thought of possibly being alone in the afterlife. Or maybe she was practising-if she could do it to her dog, surely she would go through and do it to herself.

Anyway, in most instances we will outlive our beloved pets, and I am haunted by the words of a reader that wrote to Grogan, that in the short life of a dog, he spends most of it sitting by the door waiting for you to come home...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Weight loss

I've lost 6 kgs since start of the year, woo hoo!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Can't stop crying

Don't know what's wrong with me, just can't stop crying tonight.
Should be in bed, work tomorrow.

There's a part of me that doesn't care, then there's the other part that wants to be perfect. Of course no one's perfect, I know that. But I feel like such a failure. Maybe it's because people are always telling me that I'm destined for something big. Maybe I think I am destined for more. That 'more' is so undefined, so vague that maybe I keep moving it. Should I be happy with what I have? Definitely. I try to be grateful, seems like I fail at that too though. It's so tiring trying to be positive. It's funny, you think positive so you can be happier, but it actually drains a lot of your energy. Why is it that only when you're miserable do you ponder on the meaning of life. Why am I here? I never ask that question when I'm laughing, unless it's laughter from too much crying that you don't know what else to do.

Ok so let's get down to the hard stuff. Why am I crying? See there's a tricky question right there because I have no clue. Well, not exactly, I have a number of possible reasons. I could be crying because I'm stressed. Very likely considering the love of my life is sick and I can't do much about it. I'm also sick of my job and I'm tired from trying to do everything at once. I'm trying to be the perfect fiance, the perfect daughter, the perfect worker... I can't do it all and it's depressing. Everyone tells me I am strong, smart, whatever. Maybe it's what they want me to be because I don't feel it, or maybe I just don't see it.

I could take the cop out answer and say it's all my Mum's fault, due to her comments or for that matter just by being her, she has invariably made me feel inadequate in everything I do. But that would be unfair because she does support me, and she does everything with the intention of challenging me, to make me stronger. So she says.

Perhaps there's a darker side... the entity that I thought I'd banished. Maybe it has returned, or never left at all. Lurking in the shadows, manifesting. I left that past when I found true happiness. But true happiness is in your mind, and how can you control a mind that's corrupted.

The hardest possibility for me to admit is that I'm crying because I'm not getting any attention. I've always despised attention-seekers, they're annoying and egotistical. But I can't claim to feel neglected, there's no rational basis in arguing that I don't get what i want (no one gets everything they want), so I must be seeking attention.

What do I want?

I want to know what I want.


Because maybe it will give me a sense of direction, a sense of belonging that I never experienced. Something to look forward to. Something to say when someone asks you what you want.

Empathy is a curse. What do you do when someone you love asks you what you want, and you can't give them an honest answer because you have no idea yourself but you don't want to admit it? You know full well that it will hurt them, because you can empathise with them, you know that if it was you asking that question, you ask it to better understand your partner, to serve them what they want on a silver platter. You know this because you know they love you, and you them. So what will I be served? A plate of everything? A plate of nothing...

I type this for the world, not knowing (or caring) who reads it. Why is it hard for me to SAY it to someone I know? The mind boggles. And gets corrupted again. I need to update the software. (Sorry, had to throw that one in)

Sometimes.......... I just cry.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Secret to you :)


Watch it, it's fantastic.

I recently saw The Secret, it made me cry. It was beautiful, and it made sense.

Sooo Tired!

I'm super tired. Haven't had any sleep for 2 days.

Tuesday took J to hospital, went home and studied all day and all night. Had diarrhoea, which was a bit unpleasant. Wednesday had my exam (last one, woo hoo!), came home and had to take care of J, who was recovering from surgery. Now I'm at work and it's been a hell of a day. Computers crashing etc... and I'm supposed to fix it - it's not even my job. I don't get paid enough to do this sh*t, and if I wanted to do this kind of work I'd get a computer degree!


Oh well, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...

Monday, January 22, 2007

More photos of our baby!

These are original photos from the pound - the ones we fell in love with.
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Presenting Luca!

These are photos of our baby boy Luca, a Rottweiler X Shepherd. We adopted him from the local animal shelter on 4 Nov 2006. He was 18 months, very boisterous and was scared of the car. Two months later he's relaxed, comes over and sits every time we call him, does not jump up, waits to be told to eat his dinner even when it's right under his nose, knows how to drop, stay, fetch toys and even shake hands. Oh, and he jumps in the car now. He's scared of other dogs, probably because he was never socialised as a pup, and also because he was attacked by a pit bull and lost the tip of his left ear. He was even scared of a tiny Chihuahua. He's getting better though, he now has a girlfriend (my friend's gentle German shepherd).

Luca is a big sook and loves rubs from everyone.
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What have I done?

Today I have stooped to a new low.

I just posted my picture on hotornot.com

What was I thinking? Am I that insecure that I need others to tell me I'm attractive? Or maybe I did it expecting the worst and to say "see... even my best-looking photo is not good enough"

Either way, this is totally against my principles! Kids do as I say and not as I do :) It matters more to be beautiful on the inside (though I admit that's a little harder to rate).

Is it REALLY Me?

Amazing what make up can do, lol :)
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