Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Australian terrorists captured!

As you'd already know, ASIO, AFP and state police raided several homes over the past 2 days in Sydney and Melbourne. (If you were stuck on a ship attacked by pirates or battling avian flu and somehow missed it all, you can read about it here)

I can understand how Muslims as a minority feel they have no voice and that they are being oppressed, but how did this anger progress from simply an emotion, to the action of conspiring to murder thousands of people? Especially since those arrested were mostly Australian citizens, I just can't get my head around it. My thinking is, how would they feel if someone they loved died as a result of a terrorist attack? To any reasonable person this should be enough to stop whatever it is they were planning to do. But no, apparently, these people are fanatics, extremists, unreasonable people who care about nothing but their cause, their jihad or holy war.

How does one become a fanatic then, I wonder. These people who were arrested look like normal people to me, does one have to be one to recognise another? Mind you, I've had destructive thoughts before, but I'd never act on them. (AFP officers, please note the emphasis on NEVER)

*sigh*... I guess I'll never get it.


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