Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Save the Whales!!!

Everytime I hear about whaling I feel so helpless and sad. How can people kill these beautiful creatures, these gentle giants of the oceans. I watched Catalyst, and they seriously question the validity of Japan's whaling for research.

Seriously, they have enough problems with pollution already.

Please save the whales by joining Greenpeace, I did.



  • At 6:33 am, Blogger Zen said…

    I did also!

    BTW I put a link u[ on my page to your. maybe you'll get some more hits.

    However you should update from time to tiem even if folks do not leave comments, which is VERY common, though frustrating, it is good to get some feedback.

    I have given up expecting commets and just wrtie to write, there are some who relate although quiet...

    hang in there!


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