Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Monday, January 22, 2007

More photos of our baby!

These are original photos from the pound - the ones we fell in love with.
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Presenting Luca!

These are photos of our baby boy Luca, a Rottweiler X Shepherd. We adopted him from the local animal shelter on 4 Nov 2006. He was 18 months, very boisterous and was scared of the car. Two months later he's relaxed, comes over and sits every time we call him, does not jump up, waits to be told to eat his dinner even when it's right under his nose, knows how to drop, stay, fetch toys and even shake hands. Oh, and he jumps in the car now. He's scared of other dogs, probably because he was never socialised as a pup, and also because he was attacked by a pit bull and lost the tip of his left ear. He was even scared of a tiny Chihuahua. He's getting better though, he now has a girlfriend (my friend's gentle German shepherd).

Luca is a big sook and loves rubs from everyone.
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What have I done?

Today I have stooped to a new low.

I just posted my picture on hotornot.com

What was I thinking? Am I that insecure that I need others to tell me I'm attractive? Or maybe I did it expecting the worst and to say "see... even my best-looking photo is not good enough"

Either way, this is totally against my principles! Kids do as I say and not as I do :) It matters more to be beautiful on the inside (though I admit that's a little harder to rate).

Is it REALLY Me?

Amazing what make up can do, lol :)
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