Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Munich - the Movie

Saw this movie the other day, made me cry. Why do we let the cycle of violence continue? Both sides trying to outdo each other and "make a statement", well the world heard you, so did the thousands of innocent people killed. We're all humans, can't anyone see that?

The movie itself employed excellent cinematography and although it was 3 hours long, the pace was set at a suitable level. Eric Bana was amazing, his accent, his eyes... I really believed him to be the character he was playing. And no, I'm not biased 'cos he's Aussie, he really is a great actor who should be awarded.

I like the ironies in the film, like when the 2 teams from opposing sides had to live together, they managed to find common ground. I won't go into details in case someone reading this haven't seen the movie. Steven Spielberg is a legend, the movie showed both sides of the argument, but he's still a jewish descendant after all, so the movie was more focused on the plight of the Jewish people (they did have it tough).

Bloodshed, people killing other people for thousands of years just for a piece of land. I mean, I can understand how people want a place to call home and I agree they all have some claim over that piece of land, but can't they all just live together in peace? Maybe I'm too naive, or idealistic, or both.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I climbed the Great Wall, yay!!! (it was steep and cold -5 degrees) 19/12/05.

Tiananmen in Beijing 18/12/05.

At a peking duck restaurant in Beijing 20/15/05.

At our farewell dinner (Japanese restaurant in Shanghai) 16/12/05.

At our hotel in Shanghai 15/12/05.

At our hotel in Shanghai 15/12/05.

We've only been friends for a short time, but he's already like a brother to me. At a temple in Suzhou 07/12/05.

Such a pretty garden 07/12/05.

My new friends and I in beautiful SuZhou 07/12/05.

Our program coordinator, my roommate and I at a temple in Suzhou 07/12/05.

At lunch in SuZhou 07/12/05.

The best roommate in the world and I :) 07/12/2005.

My friends and I in beautiful SuZhou 07/12/05.

The guys drinking green tea on our boat in SuZhou 07/12/05.

My friends and I in beautiful SuZhou, I was sooo happy that day, we had so much fun. 07/12/05

With my Aunty and her friends (my Aunty took care of me when I was in Singapore) in Shanghai at a nice restaurant. 03/12/05

At a Chinese restaurant in Shanghai (I won't name names, he he) 29/11/05

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm in Indonesia!!!

I know I seem to be travelling all over the place these days, and I'm really starting to get sick of packing and unpacking, but Indo is better than I thought. With all the media hype you'd think you wouldn't be able to walk down the street without being kidnapped or seeing a terrorist, but life is pretty normal down here (or up here, depending on your perspective). I mean, the people complain about exorbitant costs and many are still living in poverty, but most Indonesians are peace-loving people, especially in the town I was born in, Bandung. By the way, this is not bias, I was really dreading this trip; I'd just come back from China and missing Jase a lot, we'd just moved to a new house so things are a bit all over the place, plus I have no friends in Indo (I left when I was very young). I had to see my grandma and other relatives though, so I had to come here, bird flu or not. Luckily, even though my Indonesian is a bit rusty, I look Indonesian so there's no chance of me being kidnapped cos I'm a foreigner (unless they see my passport, I guess). But then again. it's probably DFAT being all paranoid (I suppose they have to be, it's their job).

My relatives were really open-minded about my relationship with Jason, surprisingly. My really old (and sometimes senile) grandmother even wanted to keep his picture, which was sweet. I heard of a friend of my sister's best friend marrying a black guy as well and they have a gorgeous kid, brown with squinty asian eyes (aww.... he he he). It really gave me a lot of hope for our future.