Legacy of the unnoticed

We are each an autumn leaf that fell on a meandering river. Some leaves touch then float apart, others remain together and are never the same.

Friday, October 21, 2005

The right thing???

If I did the right thing, then why don't I feel that great about it?

My boss overpaid me 3 hours, normally I wouldn't have noticed, but I happened to read my payslip this week. Jason (my fiancee) said don't tell anyone, but I was scared of bad karma so this morning I told my boss, so next week that extra money will be taken out of my pay.

I mean, 3 hours is not that much money for me, but it would've paid for the T-shirts I bought at Chadstone yesterday.

So I did the right thing right? I should feel better about myself, right?


I feel like I should've kept it now, considering fuel prices etc... I'm broke, and they obviously didn't miss the money, it means more to me than to them.

My principles suck.

Monday, October 17, 2005

My fiancee and I

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Me at our fishing trip!
Me at our fishing trip!

Hey hey! The Legend of the Procrastinator...

So here I was, sitting on the couch in a dark room whilst outside the sun's shining and birds are chirping in spring's harmony. Nature, how can you mock me so? You know damn well I have an essay and a presentation to finish by Monday and yet you present me with such nice, distractingly enticing outside weather.

Somewhere along the line I convinced myself that creating this account is a compromise between actually doing work and relaxing. Hence here I am. Wasting time. As always.

I thought I was getting somewhere, but after 6 hours of continuing eye strain my sanity is the only part of me going somehere. Okay, a slight exaggeration, but I seriously am sick of this. I thought University is meant to encourage learning and constructive thinking, not resentment and the feeling that I'm wasting my time when I could be earning big bucks working full-time. I hate feeling tired all the time, I hate having to have 3 part-time jobs to support myself, and I absolutely hate it when people assume I have it easy!


I'm not normally this negative, it's been a bad day.
But who noticed?